♡ Created with love by a Mumma who's been there before ♡

Miracle Mumma

  • The Story of Winnie: PPROM, Chorioamnionitis + NEC

    "I didn’t even know babies could be born so early, I don’t know anyone who had a prem baby or a baby in the NICU. It’s a lonely, isolating experience. Brad & I wonder often why this is happening to us, why this is happening to our sweet girl. We will never know the answer but I think it’s made us all so resilient, I didn’t think I could ever be this brave but truthfully it’s because Winter is brave & inspires me daily." - Shannon, Miracle Mumma
  • A day in the life of a special needs parent

    I don’t want sympathy or pity because our lives are not any ‘less’ - if anything they are ‘extra’. Even on the hardest days, Jack brings a joy and a beauty to our lives that only he could...his happiness through the fire is his trademark - it has quite literally changed my outlook from 'why us?' to 'why NOT us?!' We didn't choose this journey, but it chose us, and (while it's not bloody easy) I wouldn't change it for the world. But I do want others to understand, in some small way, what it means to be the parent of disabled or special needs child. Because before I was one, I had no freaking idea.
  • 'You are more than everything that is difficult.'

    And even more powerful than the way my heart shatters when I see you in pain, is YOU - the glue that pieces it back together.
    YOU are more than everything that is difficult.
    You are everything 🌻
  • NICU parents are at significant risk of mental health problems, and they're slipping through the cracks.

    When you are not offered or given access to any supports, you assume that you are expected to cope and to manage on your own. You assume there is something wrong with you if you can’t, that you are alone in your feelings. And with that comes shame.

    Yet research shows us this is absolutely not the case. It is well documented that rates of postnatal depression (PND) are as high as 40% among women with premature infants, compared to 5-10% of mothers who give birth to full term healthy babies. And more than half report symptoms of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The rates are way too high. NICU parents, especially mothers, are struggling with mental health, and we aren’t getting the help we need. We are slipping through the cracks.

  • I am STRONG, I am a NICU MUM

    Today, on World Prematurity Day, I stand united with this group of fierce warriors to embrace, celebrate and raise awareness of the one in 10 babies born too soon. I have endured the turmoil of having a premature baby. I have spent countless hours watching my baby fight to survive. I have cried endless tears and I have uttered desperate prayers. I have left the hospital with empty arms and an empty heart. I have grieved and I have lost, but I have never given up hope. My baby is my reminder to be grateful every single day; my proof that miracles exist. And while my experience is individually unique, I am forever a part of something truly special - a community built on strength, pride, solidarity, and love. Today, I move forward with my head held high and a strength that cannot be denied; I have been through the storm and survived.

    I am STRONG, I am a NICU MUM.

  • Meet the Team - Emma & her Two Miracles Hazel & Willow

    A huge contributor to that amount - and our teams leading fundraiser with almost $3,500 raised - is Emma 💜 

    Emma's two daughters Hazel & Willow were both born prematurely and began life in an Adelaide neonatal unit. 
  • Meet the Team - Mahlia Violet: Our Miracle Micro Prem

    Many amazing people have signed up to our Premmie Marathon Challenge but none more incredible than Dani and Roger Walker, who together have raised almost $3000 for Running for Premature Babies while their own prematurely born daughter Mahlia, now 8 months, is currently very sick in hospital. I couldn't be prouder of Dani, who has become a good friend, and her husband Roger, for committing to running 42kms this November & raising funds to support others who will walk this journey despite still facing their own hardships. Your tenacity and courage is truly spectacular ♡
  • "Then and Now": words from NICU Mum April

    "We ring the doorbell prior to entering the NICU. We ring a doorbell to ‘visit’ our baby. If that doesn’t set the tone for the journey ahead, I’m not sure what will."

    A beautiful account from a Premmie Mum of the journey through NICU.

  • The anxious reality of a high-risk pregnancy

    Looking back on my high-risk pregnancy with Jack, I'm not sure how I survived. Sounds dramatic, right? But honestly, I was drowning in a very raw and helpless fear each day. I was an anxious mess...desperately hoping for the best but constantly expecting the worse; a person I don't even recognise now. I remember everyone saying that I was so positive and carrying it so well, but on the inside, I was falling apart. 
  • The Story of Mito Warrior Dot

    And then the devastating news came that Dot had been diagnosed with Mitochondrial Disease (Mito). “There is no cure or treatment and her little life is prediced to be short as she has shown signs of it so young.” While the family awaited further genetic testing to determine the specific details on the type of Mito and how it would affect Dot, they inspired others with their courage, telling their friends and family that while “we will never be ok again…our only hope is that Dot knows happiness and love for her life.” 
  • The story of 26 Weeker Miracle Elodie

    At 24+5 weeks I went into birth unit after not being able to feel movements for 28 hours. I had a urine test done, bloods & heart doppler check. My blood pressure was through the roof and I had 3 times the amount of protein in my urine. They decided that they had no choice but to diagnose me with severe early onset pre eclampsia. However, by this stage, it was too late and not even the blood pressure medication was working. 
  • World Prematurity Day 2019

    World Prematurity Day. One in ten babies are born too soon and premature birth remains the leading cause of death in children under five – it is more common than you think and it is on the rise. It can happen to anyone...it happened to me.