♡ Created with love by a Mumma who's been there before ♡

Miracle Mumma

  • I am STRONG, I am a NICU MUM

    Today, on World Prematurity Day, I stand united with this group of fierce warriors to embrace, celebrate and raise awareness of the one in 10 babies born too soon. I have endured the turmoil of having a premature baby. I have spent countless hours watching my baby fight to survive. I have cried endless tears and I have uttered desperate prayers. I have left the hospital with empty arms and an empty heart. I have grieved and I have lost, but I have never given up hope. My baby is my reminder to be grateful every single day; my proof that miracles exist. And while my experience is individually unique, I am forever a part of something truly special - a community built on strength, pride, solidarity, and love. Today, I move forward with my head held high and a strength that cannot be denied; I have been through the storm and survived.

    I am STRONG, I am a NICU MUM.

  • Ivy-Mae: One Year Old Cancer Warrior

    "Ivy-Mae was 8 months old when we discovered the tumor. The first thing we noticed was the iris of her eye slowly changing colour, followed by a white glow in photos. Ivy also couldn’t really open her eye in the sun, she would always close that eye. After some doctors appointments here in our local town, we were rushed down immediately to Sydney Children’s Hospital (Westmead).
  • Amilia Love Cairns

    I was filling out my forms and went to hand them in but before I could even do that they asked me to come through rather promptly. Nick and I were nervous as hell. We even spoke about names on the way in, just in case. I sat on the bed and 2 nurses came in. One got the fetal doppler on my belly with nothing, no heartbeat. She tried again, at this moment I started crying; I knew our precious baby was gone.
  • “The hardest thing I’ve ever endured”: one Mumma's heartbreaking journey through pre-term labour, infant loss and infertility to her little miracle rainbow baby

    In October 2010, after 4 years of marriage and lots of travel, Mr and Mrs H finally decided they were ready to try for a baby. Like most people, Mrs H assumed it would happen quite easily. But after 4-5 months off the pill with very irregular periods, she realised she was wrong.  She had no idea when, or even if, she was ovulating. They started seeking medical advice, and after multiple tests including bloods, xrays and ultrasounds, it was discovered that Mrs H had a bicornuate (heart shaped) uterus with a septum. They decided to stop trying and focus on getting this fixed before she fell pregnant. Mrs H had part of her septum removed via laparoscopic surgery, leaving her uterus only slightly heart shaped. 
  • Felicity fights brain cancer

    Flic is a 32-year-old Mum of 5 and she has brain cancer.

    About a month ago, I had a beautiful Mum message me telling me the story of her friend who was being flown down from NT to deliver her baby at 33 weeks as they had just found she has a 5.5cm brain tumour. She would need to deliver bubs early before preparing for neurosurgery to have the tumour debulked. My heart broke into a thousand pieces for this family, and I have been praying for them ever since. Just days ago I had an update on their story shared to me via their Go Fund Me page.

  • Meet Eamon a.k.a Batman: Ready to kick cancer's butt!

    Meet Eamon Obst a.k.a Batman: a cheeky, smiley, three-year-old boy from Adelaide. After noticing some changes in Eamon over Easter (particularly dark urine that didn’t respond to drinking water), his family took him to the doctor. The doctor took action straight away and asked for a urine specimen and an ultrasound after finding a small lump on what she thought was his liver from an external examination. After further tests and scans Eamon was diagnosed with Wilms Tumour - a cancer of the kidney - which had spread to his lungs. Since the diagnosis, Eamon has undergone further surgery to investigate/remove the kidney, however it was found to be too large to take direct action. Eamon must now undergo 6 rounds of chemotherapy in an attempt to shrink the tumour in order for surgeons to be able to remove the problem kidney. Eamon will also undergo radiation therapy on his stomach and quite possibly his lungs depending on the responsiveness to chemo.